• The fee for each local guest is $5.00.
  • Local guests are limited to a total of 4 (four) visits per calendar month regardless of who their host is.
  • Out-of-town guests (defined as persons staying in the home of the host member and who normally reside outside a 25 mile radius) are not charged a fee, and the number of their visits to the pool is not restricted. Proof of status may be required.
  • All local and out-of-town guests must be accompanied by, and signed in by, a host member who will completely fill out a guest registration card at the sign-in for each visit.
  • Guests cannot remain on the pool property after their host leaves.
  • All guests will abide by all SSC rules and regulations.
  • Host members are responsible for ensuring that their guests know, understand, and follow all pool rules.
  • Guest privileges may be revoked at the discretion of the pool manager or assistant managers.
  • Any guest asked to leave for violating pool rules may be denied entrance to the pool for a period of time deemed appropriate by management, ranging from one day to the full season.